How Long Does Cream Cheese Last? 12 Months Storing Guide

Cream cheese is a dairy product made by adding cream and milk to cream cheese. However, cream cheese spreads quickly and has a mild flavor, so it can be used as an ingredient or condiment to modify the taste of many dishes.

Cream Cheese also comes in various flavors such as strawberry cream cheese, chive cream cheese, garlic & herb cream cheese, heavy cream cheese, etc.

The most popular ways to use Cream Cheese are in addition to cream-based soups for increased richness and flavor.

and you can also enjoy greek cheese yogurt as a cream cheese alternative in your daily diet.

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How Long does cream cheese last?

Cream cheese has a relatively short shelf-life and usually lasts for 7 to 14 days in the refrigerator.

However, if it turns slightly yellow, smeared on a bagel, or creamed into some potatoes, then that’s perfectly fine.

If your cream cheese is unopened and properly stored at 36 degrees Fahrenheit or below, it will be good until the “best by” date on your package. If you’re looking to keep it even longer than that, such as for months on end while camping or for storage after emergencies like hurricanes and earthquakes, you can freeze it.

There are some factors you should take into consideration to answer this question. For example, the ingredients in the cream cheese. Suppose it is a creamed cheese product with other elements added, such as chives or onions. In that case, these extra ingredients will affect the shelf life of creamed cheese because they contain moisture.

In addition, what kind of container creamed cheese is in can also change how long creamed cheese lasts. The same way any other dairy product does – when creamed cheese goes bad and becomes dangerous to eat, you know.

  cream cheese shelf lifeFridgeFreezer
Unopened cream cheese3 – 4 Weeks2 Months
Opened cream cheese1 – 2 Weeks1 month



How Long does cream cheese last if it is unopened?

Like most dairy products, Cream cheese has a shelf life of 7 to 10 days once opened.

Suppose the package is unopened and stored according to label instructions. In that case, the creamed cheese will typically remain safe for consumption beyond this time frame.

For example, Philadelphia cream cheese should be refrigerated at all times and left unopened until use. However, after opening, the product can safely stay covered in the refrigerator and consumed within seven days.



Cream Cheese Packaging: Different creamed cheeses have different recommendations on how they should be packaged before consumption. Philadelphia brand creamed cheese lists add cream cheese as their motto; therefore, they recommend leaving creamed Cheese in its original container until ready to use. We recommend transferring creamed Cheese into an airtight container before storage in the fridge for other creamed cheeses.

How long does cream cheese last once opened?

When properly stored after opening, creamed Cheese should typically stay safe to consume up to 1 week according to the Food and Drug Administration’s food safety guidelines. If it is believed that the creamed Cheese may have undergone some contamination by being left out at room temperature for over 2 hours, throw away the affected product immediately.

Risky behavior when handling creamed Cheese includes leaving uncovered or improperly covering creamed Cheese sitting out at temperatures above 45 degrees Fahrenheit. These conditions could lead to dangerous bacteria growth, leading to foodborne illness.

In conclusion, creamed Cheese typically stays safe to consume up to 1 week after being opened as long as it is properly stored. Always cover creamed Cheese tightly before storing it in the refrigerator and place creamed cheese at the back of the fridge where temperatures are coldest for maximum shelf life. Creamed Cheese should also be served immediately after cooking.

If creamed Cheese is left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours or if a questionable color or odor is present, then throwing away creamed Cheese is a better option to be safe from eating bacterial cream cheese.

How long does cream cheese last in the fridge?



Cream cheese can last from 1 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. The cream cheese will first start as a soft, spreadable texture and then harden over time. Cream cheese that is too old may be crumbly or have strange odors. You may think that cream cheese is just one of those foods that eventually go bad no matter what. But if you take proper care of the stuff, it’ll last much longer than you might expect!
The easiest way to store your cream cheese is in its original packaging. Keep the cream cheese tightly wrapped and refrigerated. The cream cheese should be stored below 40 degrees Fahrenheit for maximum freshness but not frozen. Be sure to use the cream cheese within seven days of opening it.

Does Cream Cheese Go Bad?


Yes, Cream cheese goes Bad, If you do not store it properly. Whenever you need cream cheese, only buy the amount you need because all daily products are high moisture, so it goes rancid faster.

Most cheeses with higher moisture content spoil faster because of their natural tendency to mold or grow bacteria more quickly – which would make them unsafe even if stored properly in your fridge!

The thing kept in mind is that if you’re going to eat the cream cheese, you should inspect it for mold or an off odor or color. If there is mold or an off-smelling color is slightly yellowish or greeny, that may indicate that the product has gone bad.

How To Tell If Cream Cheese Is Bad

Well, here are some tips on how you can tell if your cream cheese has gone wrong. While many ingredients may cause it to go bad, several signs will let you know when it’s time to get yourself some new cream cheese.

  • Smell – One of the best signs that your cream cheese has gone bad is if there’s an unpleasant odor. It might smell like a combination between sour milk and moldy bread, or maybe even rancid butter, so you should avoid it.
  • Taste- Cream cheese that has been in the fridge for more than a month past its expiration date may have changed flavors due to bacteria growth. If it tastes and smells like regular cream cheese but is sour, you need to throw it away or avoid using it; otherwise, it will affect your health.
  • Color – Fresh cream cheese should be white and lightly creamy, with a sweet aroma. If you see any yellow patches on the top or become greenish during storage, then it’s time to throw them away because those are signs that they will spoil.
  • Mold-  In some cases, you might see a greenish-brown powder over the cream cheese. This means they are molds since they have been contaminated by fungi or other bacteria that can produce toxins. It would be best if you never ate moldy cheese because it could be toxic to your health.
  • Texture- If cream cheese loses its spreadable consistency and becomes dry, lumpy, cracked, or waxy under a wet surface, it’s time to get rid of it. If there are any signs that it may have been contaminated by bacteria or mold, you should not eat this type of cream cheese.

check out this delicious cheesecake recipe –

Final Thoughts –

The fact you need to know more about cream cheese and the best way to store cream cheese is in the fridge, wrapped tightly with plastic wrap. If you are
storing it for more than a week or two then follow the article and store it properly bcoz dairy products can spoil quickly. we’ve got some expert tips for keeping your cheese fresh and delicious so there’s no another sad day with cream cheese going bad.